Laboratory Name Position Themes
Mathematical Cryptography Lab. (Lab.1) Tsuyoshi Takagi Professor We investigate the theory and practice of cryptography which underpins the security of our information society.
Mathematical Cryptography Lab. (Lab.1) Atsushi Takayasu Associate Professor We are conducting research on cryptography, which is a fundamental technology for the secure operation of the information society.
Discrete Informatics Lab. (Lab.2) Kunihiko Sadakane Professor Algorithms and data structures for big data processing
Discrete Informatics Lab. (Lab.2) Shinji Ito Associate Professor Research on mathematical methodologies for learning and decision-making
Discrete Informatics Lab. (Lab.2) Yasushi Kawase Project Associate Professor Discrete optimization: Design of algorithms for online optimization problems, robust optimization problems, etc.
Numerical Analysis Laboratory (Mathematical Informatics Lab. 3) Takayasu Matsuo Professor Numerical Analysis,in particular, "good" numerical methods for solving differential equations.
Numerical Analysis Laboratory (Mathematical Informatics Lab. 3) Kengo Nakajima Professor Large scale simulation and its foundation.I aim to develop new algorithms through solution of practical problems in science and engineering.
Numerical Analysis Laboratory (Mathematical Informatics Lab. 3) Ken'ichiro Tanaka Associate Professor Numerical analysis,in particular, theory and application related to function approximation and numerical integration.
Statistical Informatics Lab. (Lab.4) Fumiyasu Komaki Professor Theoretical Statistics Bayes theory, Prediction theory, Information geometry
Statistical Informatics Lab. (Lab.4) Takeru Matsuda Associate Professor Theoretical statistics: mathematical foundation of data analysis
Statistical Informatics Lab. (Lab.4) Hiromichi Nagao Associate Professor 地球規模のリアルタイム観測ネットワークや、超高並列計算機による数値シミュレーション技術が発達した現代の科学技術をもってしても、2011年3月11日の東北地方太平洋沖地震(東日本大震災)では被害の拡大を食い止めることができなかった。いずれまた必ず発生する大地震から可能な限り多くの人命と財産を守るために、地震・津波・災害に関連した観測およびシミュレーションによる膨大なデータを、データ同化を始めとする統計学的手法によって余すところなく統合することにより、総合的な知見を創出することを目指している。
Mathematical Programming Lab. (Lab.5) Akiko Takeda Professor We are conducting research focusing on formulating a mathematical optimization problem and developing an algorithm to solve the problem. In particular, we are developing efficient algorithms for continuous optimization problems, which are considered to be difficult to handle, such as optimization problems including uncertainty and non-convex optimization problems. Recently, I am interested in the topics below.
Mathematical Programming Lab. (Lab.5) Kazuhiro SATO Associate Professor I am especially interested in solving control systems problems using methods of different fields such as optimization and machine learning. The following three topics are main research subjects.
Mathematical Informatics (Lab. 6) Kenji Yamanishi Professor 1. 情報論的学習理論(情報理論に基づく機械学習理論、モデル選択)
Mathematical Informatics (Lab. 6) Taiji Suzuki Professor 知的な情報処理をいかにして計算機に実行させるかという問題に興味がある.
Mathematical Informatics (Lab. 6) Ryohei Hisano Lecturer My research interests lie in both empirical research and statistical model building of social and economic big data. On the empirical research side, my research has mainly focused on analyzing datasets primarily in finance and macroeconomics domain (financial markets, blockchain, news text, financial statements, firm networks, sales of products), but this does not mean that I am solely interested in economics.
Computational Informatics Lab. (Lab.7) Satoru Iwata Professor Solving Fundamental Problems in Mathematical Engineering
Computational Informatics Lab. (Lab.7) Shin-ichi Tanigawa Associate Professor Discrete and Computational GeometryDesign and analysis of algorithms for geometric problems in engineering. Topics of particular interest are: rigidity theory and geometric graph theory.
Computational Informatics Lab. (Lab.7) Ayumi Igarashi Associate Professor I work on computational social choice.
Nonlinear Dynamics Lab. (Lab. 8, Department of Complexity Science and Engineering) Hiroshi Kori Professor I am working on various dynamical systems, such as
Nonlinear Dynamics Lab. (Lab. 8, Department of Complexity Science and Engineering) Yuki IZUMIDA Lecturer Modeling and analysis of dynamical systems
Mathematical Data Science Lab. (Mathematics and Informatics Center) Yoshihiro Kanno Professor Modeling and algorithms of mathematical optimization and their applications to applied mechanics and structural design
Mathematical Data Science Lab. (Mathematics and Informatics Center) Tomonari Sei Professor I study theoretical aspects of statistics (mathematical statistics).
Mathematical Data Science Lab. (Mathematics and Informatics Center) Teppei Ogihara Associate Professor Statistical inference for stochastic processes and applications to financial data analysis
Laboratories for Mathematics, Lifesciences, and Informatics (IIS, Graduate School of Eng., IRCN) Takeshi KOHNO Professor Neuromorphic systems,
Laboratories for Mathematics, Lifesciences, and Informatics (IIS, Graduate School of Eng., IRCN) Tetsuya J. KOBAYASHI Professor Systems biology,
Laboratories for Mathematics, Lifesciences, and Informatics (IIS, Graduate School of Eng., IRCN) Kantaro Fujiwara Project Associate Professor The main topics are computational neuroscience and data analysis of neural systems.
Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience (RIKEN) Taro Toyoizumi Adjunct Professor Computational Neuroscience, Theory of Neural Adaptation using Statistical Physics and Information Theory Tools
Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience (RIKEN) Lukas Ian Schmitt Adjunct Associate Professor We aim to clarify how dynamic interactions between neuronal networks in the brain store and interpret information for the construction of internal models of the external world.