Numerical Analysis Laboratory (Mathematical Informatics Lab. 3)

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松尾 宇泰
Takayasu Matsuo

中島 研吾
Kengo Nakajima

田中 健一郎
Ken’ichiro Tanaka

Associate Professor
Numerical Analysis
Many problems in science and engineering cannot be solved without computers. Numerical analysis is a field of study that deals with such problems based on various mathematical facts and a deep insight about the original background of the problems. Study in numerical analysis is concerned with a wide spectrum of topics from fundamental mathematics of computation to various application of numerical methods to problems in science and engineering.

Large Scale Simulation
Numerical simulation is said to be “third science” following theory and experiments. We study mathematical foundations of large scale simulations such as the method for solving linear equations by parallel computers. In the study, we take account of various aspects of a simulation such as physics, modeling, computer hardware, etc.

Numerical Simulation for Problems in Science and Engineering
Based on the theoretical and computational foundations stated above, we study state-of-the-art methods for computer-aided analysis of scientific phenomena such as nonlinear waves, and large data with matrix or tensor form.

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