Mathematical Informatics 4th Laboratory

Statistical Informatics Laboratory(Mathematical Informatics 4th Laboratory)
– Deep Theory and Wide Applications. That’s Statistics –
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Fumiyasu Komaki
Fumiyasu Komaki

Takeru Matsuda
Takeru Matsuda

Associate Professor
Hiromichi Nagao
Hiromichi Nagao

Associate Professor
Theoretical Statistics
We establish the basis of statistical methods. A wide range of mathematical tools such as information geometry, algebraic methods and algorithms play an essential role as well as probability theory.

Statistical Modeling
Statistical methods are used in various fields such as brain science, geoscience, finance, medical science, quantum information and sports science. We are developing specific statistical models for analyzing complex phenomena in the real world.

Data Assimilation
Data assimilation integrates large-scale numerical simulation models and observational big data based on Bayesian statistics.
We develop algorithms of data assimilation towards applications to practical problems.

Understanding, Predicting and Controlling Dynamics
Dynamics are hidden in a lot of things in the real world such as weather, renewable energy, earthquakes, economics, brain, lives and diseases. We are studying time series analysis for understanding, predicting and/or controlling them.

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