Taku Senoo

Taku Senoo

妹尾 拓

Lecturer / Assistant Professor
Department of Information Physics and Computing,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo

7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Phone: +81.3.5841.6936
Fax: +81.3.5841.8604
Email: Taku_Seno@ipc.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp



Taku Senoo received the B.E. degree in applied physics from Waseda University in 2003, and the M.E. and the Ph.D. degrees in information physics and computing from the University of Tokyo in 2005 and 2008, respectively. He was a research fellow of japan society for the promotion of science from 2005 to 2008, a project research fellow from 2008 to 2010, a project assistant professor from 2010 to 2015, and an assistant professor from 2015 to 2018 at the University of Tokyo. He is currently a Lecturer / Assistant Professor of information physics and computing, the University of Tokyo.

Research theme

Dynamic Manipulation, Hand-arm Coordination, High-speed Visual Feedback Control, and Bipedal Robots.

Masatoshi Ishikawa

Masatoshi Ishikawa
石川 正俊

Department of Creative Informatics and Department of Information Physics and Computing
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo

Room No.251, Bldg. No.6
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, JAPAN
TEL : +81-3-5841-8602 FAX : +81-3-5841-8604


2016.4 Dean, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo 
2005.4 Professor, Department of Creative Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo 
– Executive Vice-President, the University of Tokyo (until March 2006)
2004.4 Vice-President, the University of Tokyo (until March 2005)
2002.4 Executive Advisor to the President, the University of Tokyo (until March 2004)
2001.4 Professor, Department of Information Physics and Computing, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo 
1999.4 Professor, Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo 
1995.4 Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo 
1989.6 Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo 
1987.4 Senior Researcher, Industrial Products Research Institute, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology 
1979.4 Researcher, Industrial Products Research Institute, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology 
1988.2 Dr. of Engineering, the University of Tokyo

Research overview

We are going on many projects related on integration of recognition and behavior using recent developing technologies such as semiconductor integration, optics in computing, and parallel processing. In other words, we are trying to realize human sensory processing functionalities including sensory integration, brain function for information processing using hierarchical parallel processing, and intelligent behavior on artificial systems at the level of human or higher.

Ishikawa Senoo Laboratory

Ishikawa Senoo Laboratory
– Sensory Motor Integration –
Lab HomePage→
石川 正俊
Masatoshi Ishikawa


Taku Senoo

Sensor Fusion
Research on Sensor Fusion theory, construction of system architectures, and applications to high-speed intelligent robots aimed at the engineered re-formation of the five senses
Vision Architecture
Research on Vision Architecture for designing high-speed image processing technology (theory, algorithms, and devices) and the realization of application systems
Dynamic Image Control
Research on Dynamic Image Control for realizing high-speed imaging control using high-speed image processing and new active optical devices and systems
Active Perception
Research on Active Perception for creating a new style of interaction by using sensation-enhancing technology and its applications