Mathematical Engineering Technical Reports

LIST 1996

METR 96-01 Luonan CHEN and Kazuyuki AIHARA, Asymptotical Stability in Discrete-time Neural Networks, 38pp., February 1996.
METR 96-02 Luonan CHEN and Kazuyuki AIHARA, Chaos in Discrete-time Neural Networks, 30pp., February 1996.
METR 96-03 Zhenjiaug HU, Hideya IWASAKI and Masato TAKEICHI, Calculating Accumulations, 19pp., March 1996.
METR 96-04 Hiroshi FUJII, Hiroyuki ITO, Kazuyuki AIHARA, Natsuhiro ICHINOSE and Minoru TSUKADA, Dynamical Cell Assembly Hypothesis-Theoretical Possibility of Spatio-Temporal Coding in the Cortex, 98pp., May 1996.
METR 96-05 Takaya MIYANO, Hiroshi SHIBUTA, Ken NAKASHIMA, Yasuharu IKENAGA, Sanae KIMOTO and Kazuyuki AIHARA, Time Series Analysis and Prediction on Complex Dynamical Behavir Observed in a Blast Furnace, 41pp., May 1996.
METR 96-06 Gen HORI, New Matrix Dynamical Systems for Matrix Eigenvalue Problem, 18pp., December 1996.
METR 96-07 Gen HORI, Information Geometry and Isospectral Flows on Rank-1 Adjoint Orbit, 15pp., December 1996.
METR 96-08 Zhenjiaug HU, Hideya IWASAKI and Masato TAKEICHI, Cheap Tupling Transformation, 20pp., October 1996.
METR 96-09 Keiji MATSUMOTO, A New Approach to the Cramer-Rao Type Bound of the Pure State Model, 32pp., October 1996.
METR 96-10 Yasuaki OISHI, A Hidden Sub-Controller for Reliable Control and Its Realization as a Sampled-Data Controller, 15pp., November 1996.